William Shakespeare S A Midsummer Night S Dream

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libro William Shakespeare S A Midsummer Night S Dream

The world of the film is Tuscany at the turn of the lastcentury. Necklines are high. Parents are rigid. Social convention dictates the fate of the young. Class distinction is a largepart of everyday life and to be an aristocrat still means something. This is the setting for director Michael Hoffmans adaptation of Shakespeares classic comedy A Midsummer Nights Dream. Together with Rupert Everett, Calista Flockhart, Kevin Kline, Michelle Pleiffer, and Stanley Tucci, Hoffman stirs up a raucous mixture of love triangles, mischievous fairies, revelry, love potions, spells, dreams, weddings, a play, and finally, three happy couples heading off to their marriage beds. As Puck so aptly puts it: What fools these mortals be!

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