Vacunas: Una Guía Para Padres Inteligentes
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A balanced, comprehensive guide to routine childhood vaccinations that offers parents the information they need to make the right choices for their child. • Fairly examines the pros and cons of this highly charged issue. • By the well-known author of The Natural Pregnancy Book and Naturally Healthy Babies and Children and coauthor of ADHD Alternatives Deciding whether or when to vaccinate a child is one of the most important–and most difficult–health-care decisions a parent will ever make. The recent increase in the number of vaccinations recommended and the concurrent controversies about whether vaccinations are safe or even effective have left many parents confused and concerned. Midwife, herbalist, and mother of four, Aviva Jill Romm sifts through the spate of current research on vaccine safety and efficacy and offers a sensible, balanced discussion of the pros and cons of each routine childhood vaccination. She presents the full spectrum of options available to parents: full vaccination on a standardized or individualized schedule, selective vaccination, or no vaccinations at all. Negotiating daycare and school requirements, dealing with other parents, and traveling with an unvaccinated child are covered in detail. The book also suggests ways to strengthen childrens immune systems and maintain optimal health and offers herbal and homeopathic remedies for childhood ailments. Emphasizing that no single approach is appropriate for every child, the author guides parents as they make the choices that are right for their child.
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