The Rebellious Exquisite Cadaver Of Surrealist Heroism
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El rebelde cadaver exquisito de la heroicidad surrealista studies Surrealism as heroic discourse intended to articulate an immediate artistic response to the twentieth century modern culture. Surrealist heroism emerges as an attempt to vindicate the use of poetry as a vehicle for the liberation of the human spirit, in the context of a modern society that only values art as a commodity. The surrealist hero constitutes itself as a dissident subject, who assumes a rebellious attitude against the modern community to which it belongs, showing an absolute faith in the capacity of the poetic language to establish an alternate or superior reality. For the surrealist hero, the contact with this reality or surrealite has the heroic virtue of annulling and depriving—through a psychic unconscious image—the authority of the system of contradictions that according to the modern mentality, defines the material and spiritual reality of the human being. However, at the moment in which this psychic image of synthetic properties is translated to the realm of the poetic language, its harmony of synthesis becomes deformed in an arbitrary poetic image, that affirms and denies simultaneously its oppositions. The dissertation is organized through a triple metaphor in which el rebelde represents the heroic catalyst that distorts the concept of reality, el cadaver symbolizes the poetic surrealist image, while lo exquisito represents the psychic surrealist image. The triple metaphor constitutes a discursive and theoretical equation that analyzes the three main instances of the surrealist heroism in Luis Bunuels surrealist film Un chien andalou and in the collection of poems entitled Sobre los angeles from Rafael Alberti. In these pieces the presence of arbitrary poetic images, function to recreate, a deformed and subversive version of the material and spiritual reality in order to accentuate the heroic character of modern poetry.
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