The Didactic Of Intertextual Reading: Proposal For The Exploration And Development Of The Reading Process
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The investigation realized is focused in exploring how reading literary texts based in thematic interconnections contributes to reading comprehension. Our proposal is to examine the reading process to describe instances generated through reading a first text followed by the reading of a second text as thematic intertext. Our purpose was to describe and analyze how intertextual reading can help establish connections that contributes to reading comprehension. Our work adopts a qualitative design which adapts to our purpose because of its interpretative and documental nature. We explore the reading comprehension of nine participants through various sources to collect and analyze data. Among the instruments used were two interpretation sheets which gathered the reading experience before and after the intertextual reading proposed and personal oral interviews that gather the personal reactions of the reading process from the point of view of the participants. The detailed written and oral descriptions produced by the participants allowed us to examine the reading process. In general, the participants showed that their reading process used schemes from narrative structures to remember details and establish inferences and didactic parameters of what they understood was supposed to be the reading assignment. They remembered details of what they read and produced that information when they talked about what they read. We found that the participants in general, did not consider or articulate, through references or inferences of common thematic elements with the second text read. Our findings lead us to reexamine our design and its implementation. It stated the need to explore didactic strategies that induce students nor to consider intertextual experience in the reading process. But our findings support what our investigation contributes about the function of memory as primary source in the search of meaning.
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