Ten Elephants And A Spider S Web: A Traditional Latin American Counting Rhyme And Other Activities: Spanish/english
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Ten ELEPHANTS and a Spiders Web: A Traditional Latin American Counting Rhyme and Other Activities Spanish/English: This book provides activities to help children internalize idea of how many you have in a set (including the idea of zero) and could be expanded to work with operations. Furthermore, the presentation of the context of the book in two languages (English and Spanish) provides another way of enrichment and exploration. [Diez ELEFANTES y la Tela de Una Arana: Una Rima de Latino America de Contar y Otras Actividades: Espanol e Ingles: Este libro provee actividades para ayudar a los ninos ha aprender la idea de que cantidad hay en un conjunto (incluyendo la idea de cero) y puede ser expandido a el trabajo con operaciones. Aun mas, la presentacion del contexto del libro en dos idiomas (Ingles y Espanol) provee otra manera de enriquecimiento y exploracion.]
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