La Hora (time)

Children will be inspired to tell their own stories with this wordless book of engaging, colorful images that show children… Leer más »
Mi Pais / My Country

Children will be inspired to tell their own stories with this wordless book, filled with engaging, colorful images that show… Leer más »
Los Sentimientos (feelings) Lap Book (spanish Version) (los Sentimientos (feelings))

From happy to angry, this wordless book shows children in all types of moods. Children who are not yet able… Leer más »
El Espacio (space) Lap Book (el Espacio (space))

Children will be inspired to tell their own stories with this wordless book, filled with engaging, colorful images that show… Leer más »
Los Numeros /

Children will be inspired to tell their own stories with this wordless book, filled with engaging, colorful images that show… Leer más »
Los Cinco Sentidos (five Senses)

This wordless shared-reading book is perfect for children who do not yet know how to read or who are just… Leer más »
Mi País (my Country)

Children will be inspired to tell their own stories with this wordless book, filled with engaging, colorful images that show… Leer más »
El Espacio (space)

Children will be inspired to tell their own stories with this wordless book, filled with engaging, colorful images that show… Leer más »