Vamos A La Escuela (we Go To School) (spanish Version)

Vamos a la escuela (We Go to School!) uses primary sources to teach students about school life from the past… Leer más »
Los Violinistas (the Fiddlers)

Act out this charming story that combines two classic nursery rhymes Old King Cole and Hey Diddle Diddle ! This… Leer más »
Bueno Para Mí: Comida Saludable (good For Me: Healthy Food) (spanish Version)

Your body needs good food in order to stay healthy and strong. Which healthy foods do you eat? With a… Leer más »
Las Estrellas: Brilla, Brilla, Estrellita Y Estrella Alumbrada, Estrella Brillante (the Stars: Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star And Star Light, Star Bright)

As three children look up in the night sky at the stars, three stars look down at the earth at… Leer más »
Reglas Del Hogar (rules At Home)

Many families have rules at home in order to keep each other happy and safe. This Spanish-translated, nonfiction title gives… Leer más »
Estadounidenses Asombrosos: Pocahontas (amazing Americans: Pocahontas)

This fascinating early biography will give readers the opportunity to learn about Pocahantass incredible life through brilliant images, Spanish-translated informative… Leer más »
Todo Sobre El Dinero (all About Money)

Young readers are introduced to the differences between things they need and things they want in this Spanish-translated, informational book… Leer más »
Trabajamos En La Escuela (we Work At School)

What kinds of jobs are there to do at school? Early readers will learn a few of them as they… Leer más »
Yo Soy Especial (special Me)

No one else is just like me. I am special, you can see. This delightful rhyming story shows children that… Leer más »
Mascotas Perdidas (lost Pets)

Act out the story of a little girls lost sheep and a little boys lost dog with this Spanish-translated script!… Leer más »