Dia Y Noche = Day And Night

Winter, spring, summer, and fall–the seasons are one of natures most familiar cycles. But why does the weather change? Learn… Leer más »
Ser Responsable (being Responsible)

An introduction to being responsible at school, at home, and in the community, with specific examples of how to be… Leer más »
Un Día Nublado (a Cloudy Day)

This book summarizes the signs and effects of a cloudy day. It also provides activities for children on a cloudy… Leer más »
Hibernación (hibernation)

Designed for students at a first grade reading level, these titles help young readers identify and predict cycles in the… Leer más »
Se Congela Y Se Derrite

Summarizes how water changes from a solid to a liquid and back again, and introduces related facts such as that… Leer más »
El Cielo De Noche (the Night Sky)

Every month a cycle happens in the sky. Read about the patterns of the moon and how it changes throughout… Leer más »
De La Cera Al Crayn

How are crayons made? Clear wax is melted in a factory. Once its melted, color is added to it, it… Leer más »