Como Cuidar Mis Ojos/taking Care Of My Eyes

Text and photographs introduce eyes, and provides information on how to keep eyes healthy. Written in English and Spanish.

Briefly introduces octopuses, their body parts, and their behavior using simple text and colorful photography.
Veloces Y Lentos/fast And Slow

Introduces fast and slow animals, including such creatures as cheetahs, snails, tortoises, and hares.

Simple text and photographs introduce hibernation and how some animals prepare for and experience hibernation each year.
Las Hojas En Otono/leaves In Fall

In fall, many green leaves turn orange, yellow, and red. See how much fun you can have with leaves after… Leer más »
La Constituci„n De Los Ee. Uu.

Discusses what the U.S. constitution is, how it was created, and why it is important. Written in English and Spanish.
Brushing Teeth

Simple text, photographs, and diagrams present information on brushing teeth properly–in both English and Spanish –Provided by publisher.
Loud And Quiet

Describes which animals are loud and which are quiet, including such creatures as cicadas, whales, mice, and fish.
Arriba Y Abajo/up And Down

Simple text and color photographs introduce the basic concept of up and down–in both English and Spanish –Provided by publisher.

Simple text and photographs present an introduction to the pug breed, its growth from puppy to adult, and pet care… Leer más »