Ministerios De Laicos

These offer directions, suggestions and materials for improving liturgical celebrations and participation in them. They cover the major aspects of… Leer más »
Enséñame Tus Caminos

These offer directions, suggestions and materials for improving liturgical celebrations and participation in them. They cover the major aspects of… Leer más »
La Comunión En La Misa

Sentido y pastoral de los ritos en torno a la comunión en la misa: Padrenuestro, Paz, Fracción, Comunión (dos especies,… Leer más »
Miguel, Gabriel Y Rafael, Arcángeles

This collection tries to bring us closer–in a simple and friendly way–to the lives of some of the more popular… Leer más »
La Mesa De La Palabra

These offer directions, suggestions and materials for improving liturgical celebrations and participation in them. They cover the major aspects of… Leer más »
La Celebración De Las Exequias

These offer directions, suggestions and materials for improving liturgical celebrations and participation in them. They cover the major aspects of… Leer más »
Enséñame Tus Caminos, 6

These offer directions, suggestions and materials for improving liturgical celebrations and participation in them. They cover the major aspects of… Leer más »