De Huevo A Saltamontes (becoming A Grasshopper )

Becoming a Grasshopper covers each stage in a grasshoppers metamorphosis from a tiny egg to an adult. Carefully chosen photographs… Leer más »
Flores (flowers)

A complicated topic is made easier with this title introducing flowers and explaining their anatomy and how they reproduce. Labeled… Leer más »
Cesar Chávez: Activista Por Los Derechos Civiles Latinoamericanos (cesar Chavez: Latino American Civil Rights Activist)

This title introducing Cesar Chavez will make readers want to go out and make a change. The title starts off… Leer más »
Walt Disney: Animador Y Fundador (walt Disney: Animator & Founder)

This beginner biography takes a look into the life of Walt Disney and his innovative contributions to film and animation…. Leer más »
Bill Clinton

This title will introduce little readers to the 42nd president of the United States, Bill Clinton. Readers will gather basic,… Leer más »
Dragones De Komodo

Learn all about scaly and cold-blooded Komodo dragons! Complete with a More Facts section and bolded glossary terms. Young readers… Leer más »
Árcords Mundiales Inslitos!

Who is the fastest person on two limbs? Who is the fastest person on four limbs? Learn these things and… Leer más »
Ácuriosidades Graciosas De Los Animales!

These animal facts are sure to make just about everyone smile and sometimes go awwwe! Little readers will learn a… Leer más »
¡lugares Sorprendentes! (places To Amaze You! )

This title takes readers around the world showing them some of the most beautiful and amazing places. Vibrant and beautiful… Leer más »

Buzz around with Bees! This title covers everything from what bees look like to what they like to eat. Complete… Leer más »