Hacia El Espacio (into Space) Lap Book (el Espacio (space))

There are many objects in space. Children will find out what is out there as they read this delightful book… Leer más »
¿ves Una Figura? (do You See A Shape?)

Look around you. Do you see a shape? Of course! There are shapes everywhere. Take a look at the shapes… Leer más »
Los Hogares De Los Animales

Every animal has a home, just like you do. Each home is unique. Read this book to see where all… Leer más »
Roberto Clemente (spanish Version): Fluent Plus (nonfiction Readers)

Roberto Clemente was a major league baseball player and a great humanitarian. He started many programs to help children who… Leer más »
Veo Colores

New readers will love the simple rhyme and bright images in this book that explores basic colors and encourages a… Leer más »
Mohandas Gandhi (spanish Version)

Mohandas Gandhi was one of the worlds great leaders who used nonviolent resistance to protest against the caste system. Readers… Leer más »
Roberto Clemente (spanish Version)

Roberto Clemente is remembered as a one of the greatest baseball players who ever lived, but more than that, he… Leer más »
En Marcha (on The Go)

How many ways are there to travel? Plenty! Take a look inside this book to see some of the fun… Leer más »
Historia Del B?isbol / History Of Baseball

Batter up and explore the comprehensive history of Americas favorite pastime-baseball! This fun book features baseballs timeline, which follows the… Leer más »