Lagos Y Estanques

Describes the difference between lakes and ponds, how the lakes are used, and the plants and animals that live in… Leer más »

Through stunning photographs and simple text, the books in this series introduce landforms and their characteristics. In this book, children… Leer más »
Thomas Jefferson

A brief description of the life of President Thomas Jefferson, who authored the Declaration of Independence.
Frederick Douglass

A brief description of the life of Frederick Douglass, the public speaker and editor who worked to end slavery in… Leer más »

Describes islands, how they form, the different types of islands and the different animals and people that live on them.

Fur is used as a body covering for some animals. Through a playful question-and-answer format, this book introduces animals that… Leer más »
Benjamin Franklin

Introduces the life of Benjamin Franklin, his role in writing the Constitution and Declaration of Independence, and his career as… Leer más »
A Pie

All around the world, people are always on the move. In this book children learn how people use their own… Leer más »
La Madera

What happens when wood gets hot? Read this book to learn all about wood. Books in this series introduce children… Leer más »
La Piedra

How is rock used? Read this book to learn all about rock. Books in this series introduce children to the… Leer más »