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In his poem, Toward a Portrait of the Undocumented, Javier O. Huerta writes, The economy is a puppeteer / manipulating my feet. / (Whos in control when you dance?) / Pregnant with illegals, the Camaro / labors up the road, soon I will be born. Sharing similar experiences with the more than eleven million undocumented people who live in the United States, Huerta struggles with his own sense of loss, caught between his life here and his past in Mexico. Soy nadiense, he writes in another poem – I am from nowhere. In this, Huertas first full-length collection of poetry, he explores themes of dislocation, loss, love, and art. Whether mourning the tragic suffocating deaths of immigrants in a tractor trailer, lamenting the loss of a lover, or writing about childhood fears, Huerta sketches haunting pieces about a bilingual, bicultural experience. In Coyote Huerta evokes a childs unvoiced fear about his father, who his cousins tell him is a coyote, an immigrant smuggler. I was only six so I pictured Father on all fours with tongue out, panting, on the prowl. –Book Jacket.
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