Se Puede Saber Si Dios Existe?
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This primer on biblical criticism and key problems in religion and philosophy is intended as an introduction to these complex subjects for Spanish-speaking laypersons with little or no prior scientific training in the area. Professor Avalos critically reviews the classic arguments for the existence of God, alleged miracles and faith-healing, the belief that the Bible is the inerrant word of God, problems of good and evil in the Bible, creation stories, biblical prophecy, the resurrection of Jesus, and many other topics. In the last part of the book, Avalos discusses the scientific worldview, especially as it impinges upon the question of the existence of God. A notes section allows readers to explore more deeply the areas touched on in the text, appendices provide information on the sources of many biblical stories and beliefs in Mesopotamian and other ancient Near Eastern cultures, and a final personal note briefly recounts the authors experiences from his upbringing in fundamentalist Christianity to his current skeptical view.This informative volume is an excellent starting point for those who wish to explore with a minimum of resources basic questions in religion, philosophy, and biblical studies.Hector Avalos (Ames, IA) is associate professor of Religious Studies at Iowa State University, the author of four books on biblical studies and religion, the former editor of the Journal for the Critical Study of Religion, and executive director of the Committee for the Scientific Examination of Religion.
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