Report Of The Expert Consultation On Improving Planning And Policy Development In Aquaculture
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The expert consultation was convened by FAO in order to elaborate guidelines on how to improve the process of aquaculture policy formulation and policy implementation. The expert consultation had before it a comprehensive background document on the subject matter and recommended that two outputs be produced by FAO: (i) an FAO Fisheries Technical Paper on planning and policy formulation in aquaculture development that would include a full review of background information and the outcomes of the discussions held by the Consultation, and (ii) an FAO Technical Guidelines for Responsible Fisheries booklet on planning and policy development in aquaculture that would be a more concise document highlighting steps towards good planning, policy formulation and implementation for the sustainable development of the aquaculture sector. The consultation produced a detailed outline of the technical guidelines. It agreed on the definitions of policy, strategy and action plan and on the main phases of policy development processes.–Publishers description.
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