Paco Y La Planta De Chile Gigante
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Paco and the Giant Chile Plant is a picture book with all the fun of a fairy tale twisted into a humorous variation. Based on the classic Jack and the Bean Stalk fairy tale, Polette uses the desert Southwest as an unexpected setting. Filled with prickly pears and such, our story moves from the sandy earth into a cloudy domain where anything is possible. A place where giants may bellow: ÒFEE, FI, FO, FUM, I SMELL THE BLOOD OF A HUMAN ONE. BE HE THIN OR BE HE FAT, FOR MY TORTILLA, IÕLL GRIND HIM FLAT!Ó We might even solve the age old question of what happened to JackÕs (Opps! PacoÕs) long lost Pappa.
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