New Ways To Teach Using Cable Television
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Im impressed! I had little idea that cable TV could be such a valuable resource for classroom instruction at all grade levels. It deserves a place alongside the computer as an essential means for learning and communicating in our technological society. Jim Palavras, Principal, Paul P. Gates Elementary School, Acton, Massachusetts This timely book offers educators an introduction, as well as a æhow-to on using cable television in the classroom. Anyone with an academic interest in using cable television should read this encouraging book. Linda J. Miles, Library Media Specialist, Nottingham West Elementary School, Hudson, New Hampshire Randi Stone has given educators a æpath to follow. Provides a thorough yet practical approach for all us nontechnical classroom teachers. Elaine Driscoll Connolly, Teacher, Andover Public Schools, Massachusetts New Ways to Teach Using Cable Television is a unique guide that helps you unlock the riches of cable television in your classroom. Randi Stone, a 1996 Continental Cablevision National Cable Educator Award Winner, shares her experience in teaching with cable TV. Caters to techno-phobes as well as teachers already using cable who are looking for hot new ideas. Written in an easy-to-read, conversational style, this guide describes the programming offered to educators and the wealth of free support materials you can receive. Provides you with winning lesson plans, dozens of tips from award-winning teachers using cable in the classroom, and Internet connections. Use this time-saving guide to: *
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