La Implementacion De Reservas De La Biosfera
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This work analyzes some aspects of the implementation of the Biosphere Reserves (BRs) of UNESCOs Programme on Man and the Biosphere (MAB) in Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC).After a brief presentation of the BRs in relation to the Latin American territorial context, three thematic axis are developed: 1) The evolution and trends of the implementation of BRs, taking into consideration the participation of LAC in the World Network, the participation of each country in the region, and the presence of the Regional Network in biogeographical terms, 2) Ways of management of the BRs, their interaction with other management categories and their administration, 3) The incidence of MAB National Committees a framework to the management of the BRs. General trends are identified for each axis, which are interpreted through a group of hipothesis presented in this text. Finally, the authors conclude that, even if, during the laste two decades, the interest of LAC countries in the implementation of BRs has been maintained, it has not been integrally consolidated yet. Among the causes of it, there is: partial application of the concept of BR, lack for accuracy in the articulation with other management categories, centralization of management, the current socio-economical context, which has, in several occasions, limited the formulation of national policies that give continuity and specific support to BRs. This report was elaborated on basis of compilationm, standarization and analysis of information recorded in bibliographic sources and documents.
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