Encuesta Nacional De Fecundidad Y Salud
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Results are presented of the 1986 National Health and Fertility Survey carried out by the Costa Rican Demographic Association. Of the 3527 women interviewed, 20% were under 20 years old, 38% were 20-29, and 42% were 30 or over. 59% were married or in union, with an average age at first union of 19.8 years. 8% had fewer than 3 years of education, 46% had 3-6 years of primary, and 46% had some secondary or more. 32% worked at the time of the interview. 31% resided in the San Jose metropolitan area, 14% in urban and 19% in rural areas of the Central Valley outside San Jose, 11% in other urban areas, and 25% in other rural areas. At least 90% of women in union knew about pills, condoms, female sterilization, IUDs, and rhythm. 99% knew of some source of supply. Over 90% of women in union had used contraception, with the pill and condom the most widely used. The proportion of women in union currently using contraception increased from 65% in 1981 to 69% in 1986, with 19.2% using pills, 16.7% female sterilization, and 12.9% condoms. 70% of women in union not currently using contraception did not need to because they werent cohabiting, or were infertile, currently pregnant, or in postpartim infertility. 8% of the remainder wanted to become pregnant, 3% did not like contraceptives, and 3% did not use contraception for health reasons. 75% of women using contraception obtain their supplies through the public sector. The 3527 women reported a total of 8731 pregnancies, or 2.5 pregnancies per woman. 88% of pregnancies ended in a live birth, 11% in abortion, and 1% in stillbirths. The average number of children born to women aged 45-49 declined from 5.9 in 1981 to 5.4 in 1986, but was higher in some subgroups. Rural women averaged 6.4 and women with less than primary educations averaged 6.5 children per woman. The total fertility rate was 3.6 in 1985 for the general population, 5.1 for low income women, and 5.9 for women with less than 3 years of education. Current fertility,…
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