Elsevier S Dictionary Of Tools And Ironware
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Hardbound. With the assistance of various international organisations and the use of modern catalogues from The Netherlands, Britain, France, Spain, Italy and Germany, the compiler has created a selective yet comprehensive reference work covering the closely linked and wide-ranging fields of tools and ironware. The terms included are drawn from the technical language rather than from scientific nomenclature. The areas in which each tool or appliance is used, or the functional category to which it belongs, is given.The technical areas and functional categories covered in this work include: agriculture, artists tools, brewery, carpentry, cooperage, dredging, engineering, fire brigades, gold and silversmithing, joinery, leather working, masonry, measuring, navigation, office equipment, printing, railways, screwdrivers, shearing, surveying, textiles, watchmaking, welding, and many more. The rich vocabulary offered makes this work very useful to those inv
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