El Tiempo, Los Tiempos, Una Vara De Desigualidad
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Did you know that 5 minutes of remembered anger can depress your immune function for up to 6 hours? That your platelets get sticky with stress? That the telomeres on your DNA shorten and you age faster? This book is filled with stories, comments, suggestions, quotes and references to medical research rich in proving the psychological and physical benefits in healthy thinking and feeling good. You can look over the new thoughts at the end of each segment with an open mind and see if there are any you want to test drive in your life to change your heart variability pattern from jagged and erratic to a more coherent rhythm as you move From Frazzled To Fantastic!Foreword by Sam Horn, The Intrigue Expert, author of POP! and the upcoming SerenDestiny and Eyebrow TestPRAISE: I picked up From Frazzled to Fantastic with the intention of flipping through it. Two hours later Id read it cover to cover. I will read it again and again-next time slower, to savor. Lynn Durham is a gifted teacher, writer, and philosopher. She combines wit, charm, and the wisdom of Yoda, moving you from ha-ha to a-ha at the speed of laughter. Heart touching, entertaining, and powerfully effective: Youre just one thought away from entertainment and inspiration. -Karyn Buxman, RN, MSN, CSP, CPAE Publisher, Journal of Nursing Jocularity I usually loathe cheery little self-help books and groaned to myself when I saw how it started, but it captivated me in spite of myself. Refreshingly free of the usual platitudes, or when there are any, they are expressed freshly with a nice twist. Glad I took the time for it today. -Wendie Howland, RN, MN, CRRN, CCM, CNLCP Editor, AANLCP Journal of Nurse Life Care Planning Lynn has written a power packed manual for living un-encumbered by anxiety, doubt and the million negative thoughts that hold us captive. Read just a page or many pages and unlock the truth of who you truly are. In From Frazzled to Fantastic, Lynn reveals practical advice on how to stay…
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