Diseno Elastico Y Analisis No Lineal Para Terremoto Esperado De Edificios De Alta Importancia Ocupacional Sometidos A Cargas Sismicas En Puerto Rico
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Current codes establish more stringent requirements for the design of structures that need to be operating continuously during an earthquake event. Structures such as hospitals, special government buildings and structures that will work as shelters are in this category. However, such requirements allow large deformations because current codes use a reduced lateral load that takes in account the inelastic behavior of the structure, which redounds in a great amount of damage for the elements. Two schools and one hospital were evaluated in this investigation in the elastic and non lineal range using their construction plans. Based on the elastic analysis results rehabilitation improvements were performed to the structures that allowed them to resist the lateral loads with minimum deformation. The no lineal analysis allowed to quantify the damage to these structures when they where under a seismic event.
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