Cuarta Dimension (antimateria) / Fourth Dimension (antimatter)
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SUMMARY FOURTH DIMENSION Fourth Dimension is a precise concept within any field of human reasoning.It carries a sequen-ce of calculus which are as exact as the known three dimensions: time, space and velocity. The fourth dimension promotes every innovation or discovery .It also plays an outstanding role in the co-relationships of the anti-material universes. In this book, the author analyzes a valuable an interesting literature which together with the complex phenomena of our present socio-poli- tical life, makes any reader meditate about their nature, causes and evolution. Are we coming to an end of life on our planet? Why are there so many crisis? Why are there so many socio-political crisis? Morality, the climate, corruption Who has the the answer? Which is the best philosophy? Which is the best political system? Whats the role of human cons- ciousness within society? Although the intelligence of Man has been able to transform Nature in order to civilize our societies, that doesnt mean that we have the right to destroy the world. On the contrary…We have to find the way to advance, to make possible a good life for everyone on Earth. The aim of this book is to motivate and invite the readers to meditate on these problems.Using a conversational style, the author refers to ma- ny of the biological and psychological factors that influence our activities in society. Some- times such an influence is positive and negative as well. As he reads, the reader starts to agree or disagree with the writer in many of the popu- lar opinions, stated in the book. If this hap- pens, Fourth Dimension will achieve the au- thor´s objectives.
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