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The following is informed to the inhabitants of the planet Earth: as a consequence of the climatic change, the final countdown will begin very soon and humanity will enter in its terminal phase. However, and fortunately, in the eve of the catastrophe we offer you the great opportunity: the lipstick that will make you fall in love with color as if you had hardly ever seen it, an incendiary color due to its pure pigments and with the creamy sensation left by its nutritious honey nectar. What more do you possibly want? And all this happens just a few ours before the disappearance of humanity. Behold the end of our species with flaming lips, quite appropriate for a farewell kiss. Se informa a los habitantes del planeta Tierra: a consecuencia del cambio clim tico muy pronto se iniciar el conteo regresivo y la humanidad entrar en su fase terminal. Sin embargo, y por fortuna, en v speras de la cat strofe les ofrecemos la gran oportunidad: el lipstick que har que se enamoren del color como casi nunca lo hubieran visto, un color incendiario por sus pigmentos puros y con la sensaci n cremosa que deja su n ctar de miel nutritivo. Qu m?s quieren? Y todo esto a unas horas de que la humanidad se desvanezca. Acudan al fin de la especie con labios flam geros, los propios del beso de la despedida.
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