Análisis Estructural Del Subsector De La Edición Infantil Y Juvenil En Castilla Y León (1983 2000)
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Since the eighties, children and young peoples edition has enjoyed steady growth in spite of which there are few works analyze this production. With the target address these shortcomings, the author presents, from the records included in the ISBN database, structure and key features of child and youth subsector in Castilla y León between 1983-2000. Variables were analyzed as offering editorial, translation, language of publication, geographic distribution, gender issues and more representative, etc. Through the study of the issue of child and youth editorial subsector nationwide, using the statistical information provided by the Panorámica de la Edición Española de Libros, is a comparison between them. It concludes that childrens literature castilian-leonese, has a similar behavior to the rest of the territory, although with some variations and specific gravity within the subsector is low.
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